Anxiety Tools – Use your superpowers to crush your anxiety
Tip #3:
Stay in the present,
let your values
(not your anxiety)
direct what you do
You have superpowers….yes, you do.
Let me show you what I am talking about. When I am working with my clients an exciting part of my job is finding out their superpowers, aka, their “values.” I focus on values because they are more powerful than goals.
Nothing wrong with having goals, striving for goals, and achieving goals. However, using only your goals to guide you can be very anxiety producing.
Why? Because when we set a goal, we have no assurances about meeting the goal. Goals are in the future, they are the destination, and we do not have as much control as we would want. For example, the goal of “I am looking for a better job” gives us no control over the job market. If this sounds anxiety producing, hope is on the way.
Perspective switch… values are what energizes us to act. Values are powerful and deeply personal. Values do not depend on the outcome (future) they are based on the present.
For example, “I am looking for a better job” because …
… I am bored and need a challenge – curiosity and adventure
… it will help my family to get stable job that pays well – financial stability
… I am not appreciated now – respect and recognition
… I need to help others – service
… I am doing this for me, I need a job that fits – inner harmony
So, here is how you “crush” anxiety. Let’s say that you have the goal of getting a better job, but you are anxious about interviewing and the job market looks bad. You think that your goal may be impossible to achieve. Your anxiety stops you from looking. Your focus was on the goal.
Here comes your superpower. You figure out the value that drives you and crush the anxiety with it. For example, “I need this financial stability. I don’t care about the job market. I am going for it anyway, who cares how long it takes” or “I need to do this for me I deserve respect and recognition. I will keep going until I get it. I am really good at what I do and I want others to see it”
Working from the perspective of your values while traveling towards your goals will keep you grounded and less anxious. Who knows, on your way to your goal you may change goals because you can satisfy your values in a better way! Magic!
I hope that you reflect on your values, stay in the present, and not let your anxiety about the outcome of your goals paralyze you. You have superpowers, yes, you do.
Here is a good YouTube to watch, Values versus Goals by Dr. Russ Harris
your advocate,