Adult ADHD
getting you where you want to go
The symptoms of ADHD start in childhood. However, individuals with Adult ADHD complain that it is still difficult to pay attention, have relationships, and complete tasks.
It is not for lack of trying! They are distracted, disorganized, and forgetful and they give the impression of being uncaring and irresponsible. Their trouble follows them wherever they go.
Is this you?
How is this evaluated?
The diagnosis of ADHD must be done by an experienced mental health provider. A thorough evaluation will distinguish ADHD from other common conditions such as Bipolar Disorders and Anxiety Disorders. This evaluation includes questions about symptoms experienced now and during childhood.
How is it treated?
The recommended treatment is medication and behavior therapy.
Medication helps the individual meet their attention needs. The choice of medication is individualized and not all medications are stimulants.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is used to assist the individual acquire organizational and adaptive skills, as well as, improve their self-view. The average time to complete this evidenced-based program is 12 to 16 weeks.
Next Steps
I encourage you to use the links below to learn more. You may contact me to schedule an assessment to establish or confirm your ADHD diagnosis and/or to start Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Basic information about ADHD from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Information about Adult ADHD from the Mayo Clinic
Link to Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)