Self-care time-saving tip
… take care of yourself and have a great day
Exercise + Mindfulness = Yoga
This is what is happening to us, we need to exercise but we have way too much to do. We are busy and everything is going too fast. The stress makes us want to grab a snack. Hmmm, what to do? Let me use the DARN-CAT on myself (see previous post).
What I want is good health and more energy. I want to get up from a chair without effort, yes, I am getting old. I know that I am well capable to exercise, not my first rodeo. If I don’t take care of myself, I get grumpy and who wants a grumpy therapist? I know that I feel good after I exercise and that the good feeling lasts longer that when I snack. Looks like a snack is not the best option. Yikes!
Does this sound like you? Yoga is my time saving option. Yoga brings the benefits of exercise and mindfulness together (more on mindfulness later). It is virtually impossible to be engaged in worry while listening to the instructions from the Yoga teacher, keeping up with the breathing, and trying to bend like a Cirque of Soleil performer. The days I do my morning Yoga I feel great, yet I have to convince myself to keep the practice going. What about you?
Interested in trying this out? Below some resources.
My favorite app for YOGA practice: Down Dog
It has levels from beginner to advanced with a variety of options. You can choose the type of yoga, music, speed, proficiency level, etc. One of the things I love about this app is that you have the option of as low as 7 minutes to as much as 90 minutes of practice.
My other clients have recommended: Yoga with Adriene in YouTube
So many videos to choose from, even a 30-day challenge!
Let’s do it. Pace yourself and have fun. Let me know how it goes.
your advocate,