Don’t get lost in the Maze – 3 steps to stay sane during the holidays
Some thoughts on how to thrive during the holiday season
So much to do while dealing with … going to 6 different stores to find the decorations for my patio (not in Amazon, incredible, right?), conflicting schedules, inflation, Hallmark movies showing perfect families, COVID concerns and not wanting to offend anyone with my views …
It is easy to get overwhelmed during the holiday season, we do this every year. You may feel that there is not enough time and money, or you may feel that you don’t have enough invitations and family around.
This time of year, there is the temptation to compare our lives to others. Do we have the best dress, the most decorated house, the perfect gift, the happiest family? Are we the best cook, the most awesome mom, the favorite friend? And so it goes on and on.
Here are 3 steps I am using to curve the madness
1. Simplify expectations: I will accept that I cannot complete my wish list of more than 20 items, I will choose 2 or 3 “projects” to complete. After each is completed, I will enjoy their completion. I will not engage in self-criticism about what I could have done different or better.
2. Honor your values: I will reflect on what I really value. What do the holidays really mean to me. I will reflect upon my personal traditions, religious beliefs, hopes and dreams, and cherished goals. As I move from project to project, I will remind myself of what is really important.
3. Engage in self-care: I will continue to set time for self-care, regardless of what is going around me. I will not postpone taking care of myself. I will monitor my media consumption. When I become tempted to compare my life to the life of others, I will stop and remind myself that this is my life to live, and I am doing my best. I will accept that my life is not perfect and remember that the Hallmark movies and TV commercials are not reality.
What do you think? Want to join me in the 3 steps?
This holiday season it is my hope that you enjoy the moments you are given, that you reflect and find expression for your inner values, and that coming the next year you find yourself ready, invigorated and eager to continue.
your advocate,